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Name Variables in for-Loop Dynamically in R (2 Examples) | Create New Variable with assign Function
R Create Variable Name Using paste Function (Example) | New Data Object | assign & paste0 Functions
8. RStudio, For loop, variable renames, subset data, attach, assign(), get(), nested loops, R prog
R: Recode vars - for loop & Functions in R (2 Examples) | Convert Character String to Name Object Data Type
How to Set Column Names within the aggregate Function in R (2 Examples) | setNames & list Functions
Append to Data Frame in Loop in R (2 Examples) | Add New Column & Row in for-Loop | Create Variables
break & next Functions in R for-Loop (2 Examples) | Continue or Stop? | Nested if-Statement in Loops
Chapter 5 Video 12 - Creating New Variables from Existing Variables in R
Naming Items in a For Loop in R
for loop control variable values
RStudio Tutorial - The assign function